
SUN Shimeng
Tel: 86-10-62783328
Fax: 86-10-62783328
E-mail: ssm2@gccrzp.com


Urban planning history, Cultural heritage conservation, Regional architecture


2006-2013Tsinghua UniversityPh.D in Urban Planning.

2001-2006Tsinghua UniversityB.Arch.


2023-    Tsinghua UniversityAssociate Professor.

2019-2020Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySPURS Fellow.

2016-2023Tsinghua UniversityAssistant Professor.

2015-2016University of NottinghamVisiting Scholar.

2015     Taiwan UniversityVisiting Scholar.

2013-2016Tsinghua UniversityPost-doctoral Researcher.


Urban Planning Society of China, Academic Committee of Planning History & Theory, Committee Member.

Beijing Urban Planning Society, Urban Renewal and Planning Implementation Professional Committee, Committee Member.

Beijing Society of Women Architects, Member.

Expert Committee of National Historic City of Yongzhou, Committee Member.

Architectural Society of China, Professional Committee of Regional Architecture, Committee Member/ Deputy Secretary-General (2014-2017)

Class I Register Architect, P.R.C.


History and Cities in Taiwan (general education course).

Fundamental of Design 2, 3, 4.

Basic Training of Urban and Rural Planning 1, 2, 3, 4.

History of Ancient Chinese City Planning and Construction.

History of Urban Planning in China (general education course).

Introduction to Science of Human Settlements (teaching assistant).


Guidelines for the Conservation and Regeneration of Beijing Historical Buildings in Residential Area Category (funded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, 2023-2024).

Research on the Spatial Evolution, Urban Pattern, Planning and Design of Provincial Cities of Qing Dynasty (funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2023).

Conservation and Enjoyment of Urban Historic Environments: study on urban historic parks in U.S. national park system and inspiration for China (funded by ACC & MIT SPURS, 2019-2020).

Research on Strategies for Improving the Cultural Characteristics of Buildings (funded by MOHURD, 2018-2019)

Research on the Historical Development and Cultural Heritage of Yuncheng City (2018-2019).

Conservation Planning for National Historic City of Baoding (2018-2020).

Research on Architectural Theory and Methods for West China Regional Green Buildings Based on Inheriting Traditional Culture (funded by National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2017-2021)

Research on the Planning Theory and System of Prefecture and County Cities in Taiwan in Qing Dynasty (funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2019).

Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition), Volume of Science of Human Settlements (2015-2022).

Research on the Theory and Methods of Urban Planning and Design in Ancient Yongzhou Region and Their Contemporary Significance (funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2014-2016).


SUN S. Regulations and Variations: City Planning in Taiwan during Qing Dynasty. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, (in publishing).

SUN S. Nature and Morality: The Planning and Design of Cities in Historic Yongzhou Region. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2019.

SHAN J, SUN S. The Green Design Principles for Typical Traditional Regional Buildings in West China. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2021.

SHAN J, ZHANG H, SUN S. On the Architectural Design of Regional Green Buildings in West China: Basing on the Inheritance of Traditional Architectural Culture. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2021.

WU W, WU T, HUANG H, SUN S, GUO L, ZHANG L, YE Y. Tianxia, Guodian, Jiayuan: The Planning and Design of National Cultural Park of Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2020.

WU T, GUO L, ZHANG Y, SUN S. History of Urban Planning in China. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2020.

SHAN J, ZHANG H, SUN S. The Research of Reginal Architecture: Collection of Invited Speeches from the 1st and 2nd Academic Conference of Regional Architecture 2015-2016. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2019.

CUTHBERT A. R. wrote; SUN S, YUAN L, ZHAI B translated. The Form of Cities: Political Economy and Urban Design (Chinese edition). Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2011.


SUN S. Conformity and Variety: City Planning in Taiwan during 1683-1895. Planning Perspectives, 2024, 39 (2): 405-439.

SUN S. Calling for More Participation in Conservation of Historic Buildings. Guangming Daily, 2023-11-01 (07).

SUN S. Traditional Planning Ideas and Methods of the Provincial Capital and Prefectural Cities of Taiwan in the Late Qing Dynasty. City Planning Review, 2022, 46 (1): 99-113.

SUN S. Review of Urban History Study in the Qing Dynasty in Taiwan and Chinese Mainland. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2022: 204-219.

SUN S. Reflections on the Design of Chinese Cities in History. World Architecture, 2022 (11): 86-87.

SUN S. A Preliminary Study on the Three Traditions of City Planning in Ancient China. City Planning Review, 2021, 45 (1): 20-29.

SUN S. Planning and Construction Process of Spatial Elements in Cities of Taiwan Province during the Qing Dynasty. Journal of Architecture History, 2021 (3): 109-119.

HUANG H, TANG Y, SUN S. Inheriting Cultural Context and Enhancing the Beauty of Urban and Rural Areas. China Construction News, 2021-05-17 (004).

SUN S, ZHAO Y, SHAN J, LIAN L, JIANG H. On the Green Building Development in West China from a Multicultural Perspective. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 2020, 35 (6): 24-31.

SUN S. An Analysis of the Formation and Characteristics of Historic Parks in the US National Park System. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2020, 12 (1): 18-40.

SUN S. The Modes and Trends of the Conservation and Enjoyment of Historic Environments: A Case Study on Two Historic National Parks in the U.S.. Human Settlements, 2020 (3): 34-42.

SUN S, WU W, YU T. A City of Lake-Salt over Thousands of Years: A Study on the Planning and Construction History and Historic Value of Yuncheng Region. Urban Development Studies, 2019 (8): 53-61.

SUN S. A Discussion on Human Settlement Ideals in Ancient China. Human Settlements, 2019 (3): 50-53.

SUN S. Conservation and Enjoyment of Chinese Historic Cities: New Approaches of Conservation Planning in Two Cases. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities IV: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic dimensions. Asap Gospodini ed. Volos, Greece. 2019: 37-46.

SUN S. Urban Design Strategy based on the inheritance of Placeness. in The Research of Reginal Architecture: Collection of Invited Speeches from the 1st and 2nd Academic Conference of Regional Architecture 2015-2016. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2019: 97-105.

SUN S, SHANG Q, ZHANG Y. Observation on the Urban Texture Regeneration in Beijing Old City from 2005 to 2016. Architectural Journal, 2018 (6): 23-59.

SUN S, WU T. The Evolution of Living Environment in Xiong’an Region. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2018, 10 (1): 109-127.

SUN S. On the Methodology of Historical Research on Chinese Human Settlements by Using Local Chronicles. in Urban Planning History and Theory 02, DONG W, LI B, ed. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2016: 58-69.

SUN S, HEATH T. The Spatial Strategy for Revitalizing Historic Shanshui City of YongZhou in Hunan Province. Urban Design, 2016 (2): 64-75.

SUN S. Artistic Realm of Human Settlements: Notes on Wu Liangyong’s Paintings and His Concept of Sciences of Human Settlements. Architectural Journal, 2015 (11): 90-95.

SUN S. Design with Nature: The Practice and Theory of Two Chinese Architects of 8th Century. Sociology Study, 2014, 4 (11): 925-937.

SUN S. The “Building in Landscape” Practice of Tang-Song Intellectuals in Yongzhou Area and Its Impact on the Development of Local Cities. History of Architecture. Vol.33, 2014: 95-108.

SUN S. On the Historical and Cultural Value of Yongzhou City from the Perspective of Ancient Human Settlements Creation. Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering, 2014, 35 (12): 8-11.

SUN S. The Environment of Edification: on Cultural Spirit and Value Expression of Yongzhou Human Settlements during the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2013, 6 (2): 162-204.

SUN S. “XingSheng” in Chorography Since Southern Song Dynasty and City Site Selecting. Journal of Chinese Architecture History, Vol.8, 2013: 413-436.

SUN S. A Preliminary Exploration on LIU Zongyuan’s Ideology of Human Settlements Design: A Case Study on His Practice in Yongzhou. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2012, 5 (2): 204-223.

SUN S. Local Eight Sights and the Planning and Construction of Human Settlements. in Doctoral Forum of China (Architecture) 2009, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2009: 236-243.


SUN Shimeng. Conformity and Variety: city planning in Taiwan (1683-1895). MIT CSAP Lecture Series 03. 2023 (online). Lecture.

SUN Shimeng. City-wall Size Change and Planning Intentions: a historical survey based on twenty-three Qing provincial cities. The 14th Symposium on Urban Planning History & Theory Annual Conference of Academic Committee of Planning History & Theory, UPSC (2023). Beijing, China. 2023. Keynote Speech.

SUN Shimeng. History, City, and Design: Cognitions and Reflections. 2022 Tsinghua Design Science Conference. Beijing, China. 2022. Invited Speech.

SUN Shimeng. On the Spatial Elements and Planning Sequence of Taiwan Cities in Qing Period. The 12th Symposium on Urban Planning History & Theory Annual Conference of Academic Committee of Planning History & Theory, UPSC (2020). Harbin, China. 2020. Keynote Speech.

SUN Shimeng. Green Building Design in West China: Based on Inheriting Traditional Architectural Culture. Annual Academic Conference of ASC (2019), Green Building Design Forum. Suzhou, China. 2019. Invited Speech.

SUN Shimeng. The Evolution of Human Settlements in Xiong’an Region. 2019 Six Planning Schools Joint Graduation Design Studio Opening Forum. Beijing, China. 2019. Lecture.

SUN Shimeng. Traditional Planning Ideas and Methods of Taiwan City (Taichung) and Taipei City in Late Qing Period. The 10th Symposium on Urban Planning History & Theory Annual Conference of Academic Committee of Planning History & Theory, UPSC (2018). Guilin, China. 2018. Keynote Speech.

SUN Shimeng. An Observation on Urban Regeneration in Beijing Old City during 2004-2016 and the Role of Architects. UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress. Soul, Korea. 2017.

SUN Shimeng. Urban Planning and Design Strategy from the Perspective of Placeness. The First Academic Conference of Regional Architecture (International). Beijing, China. 2015. Invited Speech.


First National Urban and Rural Planning Graduation Design (Thesis) Competition, Third Prize (advisor), 2023.

Annual Award for Chinese Human Settlements Design, Excellent Teacher Award, 2021.

Science and Technology Progress Award of UPSC, First Prize, 2021.

Excellent Journal Article Award of Chongqing, First Prize, 2021.

Excellent Scientific Paper Award (Qiu-Shi) of UPSC, 2020.

Excellent Award of Logo Design for BSWA, 2020.

Asian Cultural Council (ACC) Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Scholarship, 2019.

Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, First Prize, 2017.

Excellent Urban and Rural Planning Projects of Beijing, Third Prize, 2015.

Annual Award for Chinese Human Settlements Design, Excellent Teacher Award, 2015.

Excellent Doctorate Dissertation Award, SA, THU, 2013.

Excellent Paper Award of National Doctoral Academic Forum (Architecture), 2009.

Outstanding Graduate of Universities and Colleges in Beijing, 2006.

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